Quality, Safety and the Environment
Esko’s reputation has been built on quality. That’s quality across the board—quality products, quality processes, quality service.
We’ve made it to here by constantly striving to do better. We recognise the process is ongoing.
We all aim for continual improvement of Esko’s operation in all aspects, not just the areas we are directly responsible for. At regular staff meetings everyone contributes their ideas to Identify and meet the quality requirements that the market expects—to refine processes, improve customer experience and bring exciting new products to the New Zealand market.
Our constant aim is to get it right first time—to supply error free products and to meet our customer’s requirements in full and on time.
Does a safety company need a safety policy? Well; of course…
Protecting the health and safety of our employees, our customers and the natural environment is a core value within Esko.
Our constant aim is to identify and reduce workplace hazards, ensure our employees are injury-free, and our services and products are safe. We commit to standards and practices that fully comply with government regulatory requirements.
Esko integrates health and safety into its business processes, strategies and performance measures. We recognize that good H&S performance supports good business results.
The environment
We are fortunate to enjoy our country’s abundant environmental blessings. We strive to be responsible stewards of New Zealand’s clean, green environment.
Esko also proactively works with its overseas suppliers to ensure their processes are sustainable, waste minimised and hazards abated, especially in areas of leather tanning and chemical use.
We recognise that we cannot operate in an environment that is not sustainable. Our outlook is:
- do no harm
- avoid waste, tread lightly
- use resources and energy efficiently
- encourage conservation, reuse and recycling
- give priority to suppliers who demonstrate commitment to sustainable processes
We enjoy giving back to our community, locally and further afield.
One great charity we support is Experience Purangi. This worthwhile organisation manages around 13,000 hectares of land within its central Taranaki project area—home to over 4000 kiwi and one of the largest community environment schemes in New Zealand. Experience Purangi operates an effective predator control program and has re-introduced kōkako to flourish beside the kiwi population.
We are glad to be among the many supporters of the Taranaki Rescue Helicopter. Armed with life-saving equipment, rescue personnel and trauma-trained medics, the Rescue Helicopter time and again provides rapid rescue and medical assistance in time-critical situations.

Another group we support is RRT—the Rapid Relief Team. This volunteer team provides free of cost catering support at charity events to leverage the awareness and fundraising efforts of deserving community groups; as well as supporting emergency services and disaster relief efforts in times of need.